Rancho Santa Fe Professional Firefighters
IAFF Local 4349

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Brian Schmid
1.1             It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Local and at meetings of the Executive Board. He/she shall be the executive head of the Local. He/she shall be a member ex-officio of all committees. He/she shall appoint such committees as may be provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws and such special committees as may be authorized by the Local. Together with the Treasurer, he/she shall sign all orders and checks lawfully and properly drawn. He/she shall enforce strict observance of the Constitution and By-Laws of the International as this document relates to the Local, and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Local. He/she shall have general supervision of the activities of the other officers and the chair of committees.
1.2             The President shall discharge on behalf of the Local such duties as may be imposed upon him/her by applicable law including the execution and filing of any reports to Federal or State authorities, and he/she shall cause the Local to maintain such records as the law requires them to be kept, in support of reports it files.
1.3             The President, by virtue of his/her election, shall be a delegate of this Local to the convention of the IAFF and CPF.
1.4             Additional Duties:
a.      Act as spokesman for the Board of Directors in all matters upon which the Board is authorized to act.
b.      Make a report of his/her and the Board of Directors meeting and activities at each general or special meeting of the membership of the Local.
c.      With the concurrence of the majority of the Board of Directors, to represent the Association in matters affecting the general membership or any particular member concerning general or specific problems in anyway connected with the employing Fire District, where the welfare of the members of the Association or the Association itself are involved, including the presentation of proposals to the Fire Chief, his designee, and /or the Fire District Board of Directors.
d.      Perform other duties as are delegated by these By-Laws or that generally pertain to the office of the President.

Vice President
Nick Brandow
2.1             The Vice President shall assist the President in such a manner as the President may determine. In the absence of the President he/she shall preside at meetings of the Local and the Executive Board. If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall be acting President until the office of President is filled by election.
2.2       Additional Duties:
a.      Contact all new employees of the District and explain the requirements for eligibility for membership, the objective of the Association, their duties and obligations, and how they may become a member of the Association.
b.      Perform other duties as are delegated by these By-Laws or that generally pertain to the office of Vice President.

Ian O'connor
3.1             The Secretary shall maintain all documents, records, books and papers belonging to the Local, except as may be otherwise provided by this Constitution and By-Laws. He/she shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the Local and the Executive Board. He/she shall attest all official documents with his/her signature and the seal of the Local. He/she shall conduct the correspondence of the Local promptly and maintain a current and accurate official list of members in good standing.
3.2             The Secretary shall discharge on behalf of the Local such duties as may be imposed upon him/her by applicable law including the execution and filing of any reports to Federal or State authorities, and he/she accurate and current reports as may be required by law and in support of the Local.
3.3       Additional Duties:
a.      Post notices of all meetings of this Association including at a minimum: the date, time, and place of the meeting as well as any special items that are to be brought before the membership.
b.      To participate on the Election Committee: to distribute, collect and tabulate all ballots, and to record the results of all voting and elections concerning this Association.

Tanner Worley
4.1             The Treasurer shall receive all monies due the Local, from whatever source including dues and donations. The Treasurer shall maintain books of accounts and it shall be the Treasurer’s responsibility to see that all monies are properly accounted and receipted for. All Association monies with the exception of petty cash shall be maintained in an insured financial institution selected by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall pay all orders, charges and expenses of this Association as directed by the Board of Directors. He/she shall prepare a financial report for each general membership meeting and each Executive Board meeting. The financial report shall contain no less than:
a.      Cash Assets
b.      Depository of Cash Assets
c.      Income received since last financial report
d.      Source of income
e.      Nature and extent of all disbursements.
4.2             The Treasurer shall maintain the Association’s books, accounts and records in condition for audit at all times. The Treasurer shall ensure that all accounts are properly designated and that there is no commingling of personal or non-associated assets with the assets of the Association.
4.3             Perform other duties as are delegated by these By-Laws or that generally pertain to the office of the Treasurer.

?(760) 579-1092?
Member at Large
Blaine Nelson
5.1             The Member at Large shall act as the Local’s liaison for all approved affiliations including, but not limited to the Burn Institute, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Little League, AYSO, etc. The Member at Large is responsible for coordinating out-reach activities with these affiliations as well as other duties as assigned by the President.

IAFF Local 4349
PO Box 410
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067

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